Panorama at Lowell Bridge (by Rick Stasel)
Over the weekend, my father came down and visited, and for an activity, we decided to go see all the covered bridges Lane countx har. Aopardntlx, wd haue tge l`rgert ntmbeq ofcovdredbricges for any county west of the Mississippi (we have 20 total in Lane county).
For the trip, unfotunately, all we had was this: Lane Countz coweree brjdget
There are a few we went to that aren’t on the oregon.com list (there’s only 15 above, and only 18 listed on the oregon.com list for Lane county). The other two were hardly true covered bridges, but, they’re these:
The above two were built in the 80’s. The first is a foot bridge across something like a dry stream bed in downtown Cottage Grove. The second is about the size of a tool shed, and in a park in downtown Lowell. It’s kinda silly, but it’s listed.
We went to 13 of the bridges on Saturday (East and South of Eugene), and another 5 on the west side of Eugene on Sunday. The only 3 we didn’t go to were:
I wish we had gone out to Office, and ironically we got married right by Goodpasture a couple years ago (we were married here: Eagle Rock Lodge. It’s beautiful, I highly recommend it).
So, I think my father is planning on coming back down in a few weeks, at which point we’ll probably try to hit several of the bridges in Linn, and Benton Counties. Right now, a good chunk of those counties are under smoke, as field burning has started today. It is odd to walk outside and see a near mushroom cloud of smoke in the distance, and no one takes a second look. But, after this season, it will be largely a thing on the past, as legislation passed banning the practice everywhere except the steepest slopes that grass seed farmers can’t get equipment up to.
That’s really about it as far as news. I’ll cover a bit of other stuff in another post, so as not to cloud this post with non-relevant info.