When work moved to it’s temporary home during construction, we were forced to move one of our labs to the campus library, into a room that was, not exactly lab-worthy. It’s totally enclosed, and poorly air conditioned. During fall term, the students and faculty that were in that space complained about the heat, and we worked with the library to help address it.
But, new term, and new students/faculty bring new complaints. Problem is, we didn’t really have a good grasp on the temperature in there. So, today I set about fixing that.
There are really 3 things needed to get this working.
- Copy of tempmonitor (found here, in /Volumes/Temperature\ Monitor\ 4.94/TemperatureMonitor.app/Contents/MacOS/)
- snmpd.conf (will show REAL basic one below)
- Script to grab temp, and report it
Really, all of this is pretty darn simple. So, here we go.