Wanting to get some info on mail traffic on our mail server, I wanted to get mailgraph installed and functioning on our server. While there are a few sources of info on the web on getting RRDTool installed in 10.6, one of them only deals with RRDTool 1.2, and the other is in Japanese, though it does cover RRDTool 1.4.2.
While I thought I would take the time to write up an article on how to install RRDTool 1.4.2 on 10.6, I lost interest somewhat, so I’ve just made up a basic script to install it for you. The only requirement is to install Xcode 3.2.1, and you’ll want to `sudo su -` before running the script. It will make a src directory in whatever path you run it in, download all the source, and compile it. It will log all the output to a file “build.log” in your current directory. By default, it installs everything in /usr/local. If you want to change that, you’ll need to modify the first few lines in the script.
Feel free to use, and if you want to see what it’s doing, just take a look at the script.
RRDTool install script: here
Good luck!