I am not a knife nut. But, I do like nice things. My kitchen knives are KAI Shun’s, and they’re very nice, and pretty expensive to boot. And after 5 years of use, they finally needed sharpening. Unfortunately, from the time I bought them until now, Kershaw no longer offers free sharpening for life. They have instead outsourced the sharpening to a company called Perfect Edge in the Bay Area of California. So, I bit the bullet, and sent off my entire knife set via FedEx, and waited. About 5 days later (3 business days I think), I got a call they were done, and that the charge was about $40 with shipping back. Part of the reason it was that high was they had to “restore” a knife because the tip had chipped off ages ago. Fine. So, I pay them, and they ship them back.
Later that week, I got them back, and yay verily, they are indeed sharp. But not crazy sharp. I can’t shave arm hair with them, but they do cut paper a heck of a lot better than they used to. But the “repair” they did on the one knife seemed a bit extreme, and I wish they would have asked before doing it. But, it still works, and it’s sharp.