Google introduced their Print Preview functionality back in the Chrome 15 days, and until Chrome 20 or so, you could go into “about:flags” and turn it off. In Chrome 20 or so, they took that option away. Now all the threads online are full of “just use the “Command-Option-P” crap ((Google seems to think Adobe had the right idea when they created their own Print dialog, when in fact, it’s really stupid. Augment the dialog, don’t replace it with something completely different than every other app)). While I rarely print, I do frequently “Save as PDF”, and I find the process, and output much easier/better using the system dialog.
But! It’s still there. Just not easy to set via the GUI. So, open up a terminal, and paste in the following:
defaults write DisablePrintPreview -boolean true
And then quit and relaunch Chrome. Enjoy your native print dialog.
Thanks to the Chromium Admin documentation here. I knew this had to be there still for all us admin’s that want to enforce this stuff on labs, etc.
UPDATE: Google (Chromium) have killed this ability as of Chrome Version 39. This makes our lab environment very annoying as printers show up as “mcx_0”, etc. Not their actual names. Sad.