Last night Tara and I saw Pirates of the Caribbean, On Stranger Tides. And by and large, it pretty much lived up to the franchise that has happened since the original (also taking into account distance from the original. If the original was a 4.5 star movie, the 2nd was a 4, the 3rd was a 3.5, etc). While we did miss Keira and Orlando, they were replaced with other characters that were “okay”. All and all, the movie felt like it had too many writers, and that rather than writing a real plot, they just threw in action. So really, it was more an action movie than the previous movies of the series.
It was visually very attractive, and I personally only had one point where I completely lost my suspension of disbelief… they were in a forest of Giant Bamboo…. which isn’t native to Florida (where the fountain of youth is supposed to be), and wouldn’t have existed during that time in Florida.
I also didn’t find myself laughing during any part of the movie. I do remember doing that when seeing the previous three movies. So really, the movie was “okay”. I’d recommend waiting until the movie is at the cheap theater before shelling out the money to see it, or wait until it’s on DVD and get it via Netflix. If you want to see a movie, go see Thor. It’s really the only other current movie I can recommend (haven’t seen any other current movies).
[xrr rating=2.5/5]