Today marks the 1 year anniversary of me collecting electrical usage data. April 1st of 2009, to April 1st of 2010.
Here are some interesting numbers associated with that time period:
- Highest energy use day (amount): 2009-12-09 (98.02kWH)
- Highest energy use month (amount): December 2009 (1612.39kWH)
- Lowest energy use day (amount): 2009-06-18 (9.62kWH)
- Lowest energy use month (amount): June 2009 (564.88kWH)
- Mean (average) energy use per day: 29.15kWH (~ $1.35/day)
- Functional Median energy use per day: 27.55kWH
- Mode (most common) energy use per day: 18kWH (had to round this)
- Highest energy use at a given time: 16.11kW (registered on 2009-12-29)
- Lowest Voltage Recorded: 112.6v
- Highest Voltage Recorded: 125.3v
- Average Voltage: 121.4v
- Number of rows in DB: 525,512
Of interest in all these numbers is first, my lowest use month (Jun) is about 1/3rd the energy used in my highest month (Dec). June in the Willamette Valley is generally pretty mild. Where this December, we had some pretty cold days. Second, I’m only missing 78 minutes worth of data (there are 525,600 minutes in a year, and I have 525,512 records) over the whole year or less than 0.015% of data. Not too shabby.
My voltage is pretty good, at an average of just 1.4v over 120v.
And lastly, I pay an average of $1.35/day for power (at $0.0463/kWH). So, my actual cost per month for power is about $40. Considering I have no gas service, so all my HVAC, hot water, cooking, etc come from electricity, that isn’t bad at all. And given where power largely comes from in this part of the country (Hydro-Electric), my general carbon footprint is actually lower using all electricity than it would be if I was using gas.
Pretty cool. I love the TED, and it’s great having this data. It should be interesting to see numbers a year from now… see how they change, or stay the same from this year.