At a local thrift store recently, I came across an “Energy Concepts, Inc” 30820 for next to nothing ($15). They let me plug it in, and I got two traces, so at that point I felt it was worth buying (hell, I would have bought it if it didn’t work, just so I could fix it). Bringing the unit home, and doing some looking around, it appears to be an Iwatsu 5702 (which is why there’s the Iwatsu pictured to the left). I cleaned the unit up (compressed air, and a rag), and went about testing it’s functionality. It appears to have been owned by the local school district, and I confirmed that the High School in question recently received a STEM grant, so it makes sense that they would have upgraded their equipment.
The unit tested perfectly, being well within calibration on everything I threw at it. The traces were nice and bright. The only downside really being that it came with no probes (I purchased a couple off eBay for $8 shipped), and that being a completely analog scope, it had no measurement capabilities. It also is missing the red time position knob, but that’s no big deal as the shaft of the adjustment is still adjustable by hand, and someday I’ll find something to fit there.
Really, the unit works great. And I look forward to using it and maybe having it be my son’s first scope (generally, analog scopes are pretty indestructible).
For those interested, here are links to the manual, and service manual for the Iwatsu SS-5702, which again, seems identical to the ECI, other than the handle being on the side of the Iwatsu rather than the top like the ECI.