I recently installed the “new” version of phpmyadmin, and noticed that it didn’t work (in Chrome or Firefox, but did work in Safari). After a fair amount of troubleshooting, I found there’s a setting in config that is:
$cfg['AllowThirdPartyFraming'] = true;
(this overrides the default “false”) that seems to be for blocking iFrame attacks.
This caused the first part of the login page to load, but still missing the login fields, etc. After some more troubleshooting, this turned out to be Cloudflare’s Rocketloader. Which, you can disable either via path rule (just excluding everything with a given path), or by adding a value to the tags. The path rule works great, but you only get 3 path rules with a free cloudflare account. =/
So, going into Scripts.class.php and added the tags to the javascript tags. I created a patch, and posted it to the bug on the phpmyadmin bug tracker here. After the bug initially getting closed as invalid, after posting the patch, they re-opened the ticket, and may include the changes in a release (or find some other way to resolve the rocketloader issue). So far, I get the impression phpMyAdmin won't be including my patch in their codebase. =/ (UPDATE: In fact, they accepted the patch, and it's now to be included in 4.4.2!)
I've also opened a bug with Cloudflare (which, sadly, I can't link to). I've heard nothing back from them.
Anyway, good luck if you run into this issue.