At the request of my wife, I’ve started playing with the idea of writing a “book” for the purpose of educating hobbyist’s and EE’s spouses (or significant other), as well as kids. It’s point is to be very simple, not delve into the math at all (except ohm’s law, of course), and instead just explain basics of what we’re working on, what’s on our bench and parts bins, etc. The hope being that they could read through some basic information, and be able to have a basic concept of what we spend all our time doing, or when we explain a repair, they have some basic knowledge to use for understanding our language.
From my looking around, there isn’t really a good example of a “book” like this. A book about electronics, but not for someone that’s looking to learn electronics, but rather to relate to someone that’s interested in the field (if that makes sense). I’m guessing you’d call this a primer, or compendium to your significant other/spouse?
Anyway, I hope to work on it for the next few months, then open it up for edits/comments. Wish me luck!