So, I get the ability to take stuff down for more than an hour! Starting tonight, I get to take down the SAN, back up everything onto another array, upgrade Xsan (to 2.1), wipe the SAN (to facilitate upping the block size from 4k to 8k), then copy everything back. I could just do an upgrade of the system, but that wouldn’t let me change the block size…
actually… in looking online… maybe I shouldn’t change my block size. I mean, there are a lot of prefs and such that are small files (smaller than 4k) that would balloon to 8k with a block size change.
Okay… hmmm… maybe I’ll backup, install, wipe, recreate with a 4k block size, then copy stuff back. I pretty much need to do the wipe to get ACLs back working.
So, yeah… fun weekend of the constant: start a job, wait, check it, wait, check it, wait… start another, wait…