If you visit this site on a mobile device, you probably have just noticed that it looks a lot different now. This is thanks to the “WordPress Mobile Edition” plugin and theme from Alex King’s “Crowd Favorite”. Alas, install wasn’t as easy as it could be since the version listed on the WordPress site is old (non-WP3 compatible), and the new version has to be grabbed from svn.
All and all, it’s pretty easy.
Just CD into your wp-content/plugins directory, and do
svn co http://svn.wp-plugins.org/wordpress-mobile-edition/branches/wp3.0/ wordpress-mobile-edition
then go into WP, and enable the plugin.
You should then be mostly good to go. The only issue I have is the theme is really not up to WP3 spec… including having the wrong code for the “title” of the site for WP3, and especially using Yoast’s WordPress SEO plugin.
So, in your new wordpress-mobile-edition plugin directory, go into the carrington-mobile-1.1 directory, then header, and edit the “header-default.php” file, and change the line
<title><?php wp_title('«', true, 'right'); bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
<title><?php wp_title(''); ?></title>
That should then fix things for you. At least, it did for me. If you aren’t using wordpress-seo, don’t worry about this.
In the next few days, I’ll further dig through the theme and fix the rest of it for WP3, but for now, it works. If you don’t like the new theme, please let me know in the comments. I’m going to try creating another page soon that will serve as a kind of “HUD” for my weather info, power info, and other stuff that can be easily viewed on mobile devices (mainly iOS devices), since that info is now missing from the new theme.
UPDATE: I just realized that the iPad was seeing the mobile version of the site, and couldn’t figure out why. I finally tracked it down to W3TC, and the “User Agent Groups” setting. In the “High” group, removed the iPad listing, and you’ll get the full version of the site. Not sure if that means the iPad is no longer getting a cached version of the page or not, but it fixes the issue I was seeing.
UPDATE 2: I’m investigating other mobile theme products to see what other options look like. But for now, I’ll leave this one enabled.