Yesterday I saw the new X-Men movie, and I must say off the top, that it may be my favorite X-Men movie to date, and certainly rates as one of the best Marvel movies. Anyway, to the review. And yeah, they’ll be some spoilers). Click the “more” to see the rest.
The movie starts out in the future, seemingly about 10 years from now. And that future basically looks like a mix between the Matrix, and Terminator futures. Mutants are rounded up, as are all the humans that help them, or may eventually procreate a mutant. This is all done at the behest of the Sentinels, or robot type things (think the Destroyer from Thor, only bad-asser). Mutants are forced to hide out from these Sentinels, but are quickly hunted down and either killed, or captured. Queue Professor X and Magneto (and gang) to try to prevent this. Their idea is to send the consciousness of another mutant back in time to prevent the Sentinels from being invented by Lord Tyrion, er, Peter Dinklage’s character Trask, who hates mutants for some unspecified reason (this was kind of a weak point). Anyway, Wolverine ends up being the one sent back, and he gets to go find everyone needed to stop this from happening (yes, sounds a bit Terminator 2, again).
The story was very well written, and Brian Singer is back to direct this one after taking the last few off. On a pleasant note, they seem to have pulled an Aliens, and completely ignored the 3rd movie (since it’s “modern” and Professor X is alive). The movie does a great job of integrating things that happened in X-Men 1 and 2, as well as First Class. The biggest plot hole is after all of this transpires, people don’t seem to have aged relative to when X-Men 1 and 2 take place (though I suppose they could have taken place in the future as well… I don’t think they ever said dates in them).
Okay, that’s all there is for this quick review. I’d highly recommend seeing the movie, and they’ve already announced another X-Men movie to follow this one (which the credit’s allude to).
[xrr rating=5/5]