The route we took
We camped here: Mill Creek Campground, CA.
All and all, we did about 500 miles from home, down through Drain to Coos Bay, to Crescent City, camped two nights (hitting the “Trees of Mystery” Thursday), and then back up to Crescent City, over to the Oregon Caves (the road UP to the Oregon Caves from the Highway is amazingly windy (as in, curvy), to Grants Pass, then back home.
The Oregon Caves are quite nice, though, a bit touristy. I think the lava tubes outside Bend, OR are nicer, though less to look at.
Great trip all and all. While I was really paranoid that something would go down at work since I was out of cell range, nothing went wrong, so all the paranoia was for naught. =P Oh, and I need to buy a decent sleeping pad. The one we borrowed for me was rather thin, and didn’t keep my rear from hurting in the morning. Tara’s cheapo self inflating pad worked great though (for her). =D