As a quick review, I picked up a Radio Shack 22-820 based on a review of it (and other pocket meters) here, knowing it was no longer in production. I already have a couple of other meters (including a Fluke 189 that I bought days before this one). But I really wanted a meter for either my bag, or my car. So I found one at a Radio Shack and picked it up. All and all, it’s a great little meter. It’s small, rugged, and tests just about everything needed in a meter. Voltage, Resistance (with continuity), and amperage up to 200mA (which is a bit low if you wanted to use it for this, but heck, it’s only got so much space. Hard to have true current handling at this size… plus, try putting a 10A fuse in this space).
For $30, it’s a great little secondary meter, or a primary if all you ever do is check resistance/continuity and/or voltage. My only suggestion would be to pick up some basic aligator clip attachments (easier to test continuity on circuits that way).
[xrr rating=5/5]