Because I couldn’t find any info on this myself (and therefore my Partkeepr install has been broken since updating to PHP 5.6), and it took the developer of Partkeepr some thought on how to Google for it himself, I thought I would post something quick on Partkeepr and PHP 5.6. Basically, it works, but only if you don’t have a couple options set with PHP 5.6’s Zend OPCache (the built-in OPCache in 5.6, which largely deprecated APC). There are two options for opcache that completely break several frameworks, such as Doctrine, which Partkeepr uses extensively. The options are:
If either of these options is set to “0”, things break. And of course, if you read the notes on “opcache.save_comments” it mentioned breaking Doctrine. So, make sure they’re set to “1” if you’re using any of those frameworks, and especially if you’re using Partkeepr. I banged my head against this for days.
The developer of Partkeepr, however, is going to have a runtime check in a new version that makes sure those two options are set properly, otherwise have Partkeepr throw an error. Here’s the initial bug report of mine. Hopefully this post will help someone, and save them some hair being torn out. =)
UPDATE: I was able to just enable opcache.save_comments and load_comments for just my partkeepr domain by setting:
php_admin_flag opcache.save_comments 1
php_admin_flag opcache.load_comments 1
In the VHOST configuration for apache. This lets me leave them both as 0 for all my other sites, thereby gaining the reduced cached sizes. =) Good luck!