Over the weekend, I saw Iron Man 3 in the theater, in 2D (I want to do everything possible to eliminate 3D from the movie theaters). I will say that going in, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Iron Man 2 was not particularly good, and the early reviews on IMDB for Iron Man 3 were less than stellar (though this seemed to be due to people wanting the movie to by like the Chris Nolan Dark Knight movies).
Previews took for bloody ever (not unlike other Disney movies), but once we finally got to the movie, it pretty much set a pace within the first few minutes, and kept up on it through the rest of the movie. Acting and Direction is pretty much what we’ve all come to expect from A. A Marvel Movie (post Daredevil/Fantastic Four/X-Men Last Stand), and B. A Robert Downey Jr., Gwen Paltrow movie.
Without ruining too much, the movie is darker. Stark does suffer from PTSD after what happened in Avengers (which seems a bit lame, but whatever). But it stays pretty true to the previous two movies, as well as the larger Avengers universe. No doubt Joss Whedon is getting some editing “rights” to the scripts.
All and all, a good movie. Never felt like it dragged during the action (which there was a fair amount of), and it has to be the best example of a movie introducing a “kid” but not allowing that to ruin the characters or the movie. And Ben Kingsley is awesome.
In short, see it. It’s well worth the 2 hours.
[xrr rating=4.75/5]