This is a pretty simple review. This timer is a six sided game timer, where you can set total time, time per move, time per move with saved time, etc. I got it mainly for things like Monopoly, Scrabble and Settlers. I’m largely to blame here, as I take a very long time to make game moves if I don’t have something forcing me to move. The timer works simply enough, as you set the time for all players, then simply start. To finish your move, and move onto the next person, you just rotate the cube to the next color. Simple simple simple. I’m actually thinking about buying the Pyramid version for 4 player games, but the cube works for that as well. The only thing it doesn’t really do is some of the more advanced chess timing schemes, but it’s time-per-turn plus saved can basically be used to do what amounts to delay time.
Anyway, it’s great. Simple to use, easy to read, and it makes people get a move on. =)
[xrr rating=4.75/5]