UPDATE 2: These fixes have been merged into release. It can be found here. Previous links are broken… unlinking.
UPDATE: This has been addressed in the nightly build found here: nightly, and the release notes here.
The latest release of Deploystudio (here) introduces a great new feature that creates the master image on the HD that is being imaged, then copies it up to the server. Which is MUCH faster than the old version of things where it would create the image on the server as it was being read off the disk. This took hours and hours. The new method takes probably 1.5 hours to create our master image.
Anyway, the issue with this new way of doing things is that the DSagent on the Netboot set mounts the AFP repository at boot, and doesn’t do anything with the repository again until it goes to copy the image up to the server. If you’re like me, and you have an idle disconnect set on your AFP server for something like 60 minutes, the AFP server will disconnect the client before the image is ready to be copied up, and when the copy tries to happen, it fails.
I reported this issue to the developers, and they’ve said it’s been addressed in the coming version, but if you want to fix it real quick, you can easily do this:
Mount the disk image on your netboot server, then get info on the volume and down at the bottom, uncheck “Ignore ownership”. Then, open up a terminal window, and create a file in /Volumes/DeployStudioRuntime/Library/LaunchAgents/ called something like com.deploystudio.tickle.plist with the following in it:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”>
<plist version=”1.0″>
chown that to root:wheel, and chmod to 644. Then, unmount, and netboot away.