Family: Crassulaceae (krass-yoo-LAY-see-ay)
Genus: Crassula (KRASS-oo-la)
Species: Muscosa (muss-KOH-suh) lycopodioides (ly-kop-oh-dee-OY-dees).
Common Name: Watch Chain
Min Temp: to 32 degrees
Bloom: Bright YellowWhite/Near White – Late Summer to Early Winter
USDA Zone: Zone 10
Exposure: Bright Light
Origin: South Africa
(the above text was lifted from here.)
Notes: Got this plant as a “cutting” off a coworkers plant at work. This branch had been looking rather dry, and upon moving it, it broke off. I’ve tried rooting in some normal soil, but it didn’t work too well. Now trying to root in rockwool under high humidity.
All and all, seemingly a very easy plant to care for in the home.