What has seemingly been another summer of comic book movies has lead up to Captain America. As a kid, the idea of this character always seemed kind of cheesy. I mean, really? “Captain America”?! Is there “Commodore Soviet”? “Duke England”? But, both my wife and I were happy to see them address this a bit in the movie (he is used to sell war bonds early in the movie, and even wears the campy outfit).
So after Thor, X-Men First Class, and Green Lantern (which I haven’t seen, but hear is pretty bad), we have rounded out the Marvel universe until The Avengers next year. What I can say about the ones I have seen (the Marvel ones), is that I’d probably rank them as:
- Captain America
- Thor
- X-Men First Class
Now, let me put that in perspective. All 3 were very good. Previously I put Thor just below Iron Man in terms of enjoyability. Iron Man is my favorite Marvel universe movie. So, that said, Captain America now inserts itself between Thor and Iron Man. So all 3 of the above all exist within a single point from 1-10.
If you haven’t seen Captain America, you should. It’s good. I wouldn’t bother with 3D, but then, I never would.
[xrr Rating=4.5/5]